Stay at home moms unite

So, today on this cold and rainy Friday, one of my good friends and I decided to make a YouTube video on how to make an easy healthy snack from Pinterest. I am happy to report that it was a win and not a fail…okay some parts were a fail, but overall not a complete and total fail! We decided to make apple nachos, it was very quick and easy to make and only 3 ingredients.. We tried to add a fourth item and that just didn’t work out in our favor.. But I won’t describe the whole video to you.. Check it out for yourself…


In case you were wondering, yes this was a shameless promotion of our video.


It’s been awhile….

Hello world……

I may rant and rave in this one, so remember that time I blogged and said I would do it everyday, well that was a LIE! I am so sorry but no one is perfect and can do that everyday. Just a little rant for ya!

So to catch you up on my life… I am married now, I no longer have a fiancé’ but a HUSBAND. Yes that makes me a little excited. He is awesome! You probably figured that part out. Today marks one month in being newly married and what have I learned you asked ( okay maybe you didn’t ask, but just pretend you did) DON’T DUCK TAPE YOUR HUSBAND’S ANKLES TOGETHER EVER!!!! LOL it makes me giggle every time I think about it.

I guess take that as your advice peoples… um I’m pretty sure it was helpful. Let me know if it was..

Random question- Do you actually laugh out loud when you read something that says lol?

In case you were wondering

Its DAY 101…

It’s now 101 days til I get married.. ( be happy we all can count).. Today I want to explore the possibility of spontaneous dates with my fiance. I would like to call them SPONTANEOUS.. or we can just say planned very quickly.

Today will be a SERIOUS topic day.. don’t be alarmed I told you it would happen from time to time… sooooo I really have a CRAVING for a burger and not just like one from McDonald’s but like a burger from a sit down place. On this random tangent that I just got off on.. you are probably sitting there reading this and wondering how in the world does this have anything to do with spontaneous date nights with her fiance!!!! BUT it does fellow bloggers and blog readers (assuming that anyone is reading this)…

Would it not make sense for my fiance to take me out on a date that somehow consist of him getting me a burger and looking at my beautiful face 🙂 I would hope so.. Done with the seriousness for now ( beware it may come back).

I have gotten a lot of marriage advice over the course of months and it has ALWAYS  concluded with “DON’T EVER STOP DATING EACH OTHER” ( I wasn’t yelling.. I wanted to drive that home with others who may be getting married). It seems to be something that people who are married and who have been married.. keep saying! Oh yeah they also say have fun because having a  planned date night ( all the time to the same place) could be no FUN..

I plan on having a spontaneous date night tonight! So……… come back later with how it went..

Day 102 continued…..

Sooo.. I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks about what could go wrong. But I mean really I try to stay positive…. about everything. But you hear all these HORROR stories about things that go WRONG during other peoples weddings… I mean when your not close to getting married you say “oh I won’t get stressed about that” or “oh that’s so silly” and you think the woman is CRAZY and  overreacting about all the things that they think went wrong and you think it’s small and tiny. RIGHT????

Okay… so your thinking so what if it wasn’t the exact matching color of the flowers to the guys ties (my wedding will have BOWTIES BTW). I used to think that oh that’s SUPER SILLY…. wrong!!!! Now I think what if the purples don’t match exactly I might not like it.. but HEY I’m no BRIDEZILLA… but I would like to have matching purples…

In case you were wondering my favorite color is PURPLE!