Stay at home moms unite

So, today on this cold and rainy Friday, one of my good friends and I decided to make a YouTube video on how to make an easy healthy snack from Pinterest. I am happy to report that it was a win and not a fail…okay some parts were a fail, but overall not a complete and total fail! We decided to make apple nachos, it was very quick and easy to make and only 3 ingredients.. We tried to add a fourth item and that just didn’t work out in our favor.. But I won’t describe the whole video to you.. Check it out for yourself…


In case you were wondering, yes this was a shameless promotion of our video.



Contrary to what Forrest Gump told us life is NOT like a box of chocolates, because you actually know what you are going to get in a box of chocolate (it comes with a guide). Life however does not come with a guide even though I really wished that it did. Sometimes you reach that point in your life where nothing makes sense not a thing..

We all reach a point where you give up on everything because you don’t know what to do anymore… You reach that point where you just throw your hands in the air and promise that you will finally take your hands off of the steering wheel and stop trying to control every aspect in your life.

What’s funny is we forget that the strongest thing we can do when life gets hard is kneel and pray… Its what we are suppose to do in the GOOD or the BAD.. God doesn’t give us more than we are strong enough to handle I firmly believe that. God gives us what we are strong enough NOT to handle on our own. That’s the whole point! He wants us to be strong enough to rely on him!

It makes me go “hmmm” sometimes, you look one Facebook and all these GOOD things are happening for some people and they give God credit for the good that’s happening in their life. But the moment something BAD happens now it’s God’s fault because He is “letting it happen” to them. Yes, He does know what’s going to happen and has a plan for your life; but that doesn’t mean that He placed the bad there just to get on your nerves and make your life miserable.

Think of this, you spend the first few moments of something bad happening to you asking “why me?”, “God, why are you letting this happen to me?” and for a brief moment we let go His hand and take control of the situation and things go from bad to worse! Eventually, we find His hand again and things get better.

I said all of that to say this, no matter how bad the situation gets remember God has never left your side not once.. He is standing there patiently waiting for you reach up and grab His hand again. Sometimes God will let us hit rock bottom just to remind us that He is that rock at the bottom. So stay strong and praise Him in the good times and the bad. So, quit dwelling on what’s wrong. Quit seeing the faults. Instead, start seeing the good. Be grateful for what you have and most of all APPRECIATE the gift of today!

I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the Lord. -Isaiah 66:9

Just a thought 

Below is something I wrote a long time ago: 

Do you ever feel the pressures of today? It seems like if you don’t act like a complete fool then you won’t fit in and the pressure to fit in is one that never goes away… whether you are in middle school high school college and it’s even there when you get a job… there are 3 choices you have in life to deal the pressure; 1 be yourself , 2 join the crowd,or 3 run away… how many times do we say I’m not a follower I do my own thing , hahaha a lot ., but the truth is most of us join the crowd if not all the time most of the time bc it is easier… it is the easy way out , the road everyone takes  the road that every one else does ., when are we gonna take the hard road… the one that makes us different and unique …. God has not called us to be clones of one another giving into the pressure of today,.. the Bible says we are called to be a light shining on a hill for all to see… but how can we effectively to that when we are to busy feeling the pressure to fit in.. doing these challenges on the Internet or doing these we would never want our children to see … one day you look back and go how dumb was that…. let’s start today setting an example and being the light of God for all to see.. and if you lose friends bc you no longer at like a fool then don’t be sad they never liked you in the first place… instead surround yourself with people you don’t feel that pressure with… I know it’s easier said than done but trust me   in the end it will be worth it to be the one that was different and not the follower … God loves you regardless  and you will find friends who will as well… but will you like the person you are under pressure?  so now you have to ask yourself what you are going to do be the light that shines through the darkness and refuses to crumble under pressure or keep giving into the pressure…

Green thumb… Maybe green yellow… 

It’s been beautiful outside… FINALLY! ☀️ so time to get to gardening. The thing is… I am not sure if gardening is my thing, but we are about to find out. 

So the other day I went to the store and purchased a countertop spice garden kit (parsley, basil, and cilantro), a tomato kit (cherry and buck), and lastly a pepper kit ( bell peppers and jalapeño).. I am super excited about these. If I am good at these I will continue and hopefully grow more veggies and more fruits… 

According to the instructions, I am supposed to put them in bigger pots when the sprout… 😳 we will see how that goes.  I have been reading up and pinning a lot of things about this so hopefully my good friend Pinterest can help. 

If you have any tips or anything about gardening. What to do or what not to or even just things that are easy to grow; let me know and just leave a comment below. 

Sometime this week I will try another recipe from Pinterest! If you have any yummy ideas on what I should try let me know. I love new things. 

Thanks for reading,

KeKe 💜

Yummy in my tummy! 

So today… I wanted tacos for dinner… You know something quick and easy. And then it occurred to me. Why not try one of these fancy taco recipes off of Pinterest! I mean Pinterest was the reason I wanted tacos in the first place. So after countless minutes of searching, combined with how much work I knew I wanted to put in it. I decided on Taco empanadas (yummy)! 

Okay so they seem relatively easy! Here is the ingredient list.. 

So I am sure you could add more and different ingredients; like I substituted black beans for the refried beans or for a little spice chopped jalapeños (I didn’t)… The ingredients I used were shredded cheddar cheese (not pictured), black beans, turkey meat (instead of beef), and jumbo biscuits! 

*Tip: I would not add too much filling or the biscuit becomes hard to close.*

 So obviously you start by cooking the meat! I want to give you a play by play so here is my meat cooking lol…

*there is a lot of meat bc I made tacos as a back up… In case of an epic fail* 

After that, I began to stuff the biscuits and that is where the adventure began. I would say the first two I made were fails! But after that you get the hang of how much you should flatten the biscuit out and how much to stuff inside of it…. After about 35 minutes (I took my time) of stuffing.. They are ready to go in the oven! 

Then you just bake them until they are golden brown!  And VOILÀ!  

My taco empanadas are not as pretty as the first picture but they tasted wonderful and definitely were a hit at the dinner table! I will be making this again! I bet you can guess which empanada I stuffed first! It looks the worst. Just serve with the condiments of your choice and they are “yum-o” in the words of my favorite chef, Rachael Ray!   

So far! I am two for two with this Pinterest project! Stayed tuned for more wins, fails and fails wrapped in wins! Thanks for reading! 



Pin it up! 

I’m back! This is time I will be here for a while. Just to catch up on what you have missed in my life! I had my beautiful baby boy, Jaxon! He is the love of my life and extremely adorable… 

That’s him below! 

So now I am a stay at home mom and I love it. It also means I have a lot of time on my hands sometimes. So we all know what that means, I some how end up on the Internet, Facebook, Instagram, and mainly PINTEREST! 

Pinterest is the hardest of these to get off of. You just get sucked in… But don’t get me wrong I love Pinterest. It can either be your best friend or worst enemy. It turns you into a chef, artist, interior decorator, a tattoo genius, mommy of the year and just about anything else you can think of. If you can dream it is probably on Pinterest. 

The point of all that was to say, I spend so much time on there I should start trying things 2 or 3 times a week. I mean when I see the things that people do on there it seems super easy. So let’s do it. 

I decided to start with something simple- my nails! So the picture below is awesome! 

As you can see it says it is one of the most popular nail ideas! Seemed like a pretty good one to try…. So I went to the nail salon because I for one am not talented enough to do that on my own nails. But as some women know going to the nail salon doesn’t always work how it should. Something always seems to get lost in translation.  

So here are my results- 

So the color of the blue is different, but for the most part it looks like I (they) “NAILED IT”!  So stay tuned and subscribe. I will be trying a lot more things and there will definitely be some epic fails. 



Friends… How many of us really have them?

If you are taking a moment out of your exciting life to read my blog.. Thank you! You are awesome and any other adjective you can thing of; but now to the point of this blog.

Friend! The Webster dictionary definition of this word is “noun: a person who you like and enjoy being with” now we all have people in our life who are “friends” then I guess.. But let’s be real that’s only part of the definition.. The rest is defined by the actions that person does during your friendship.. You can enjoy time and like the person all you want to but if that person is mean to you or others or hates the world… That kinda makes them not fun!

As a female a “friend” is someone who lends that shoulder you need to cry on, that ear to listen to you vent, that shopping buddy that tells you if that dress is not flattering, someone you let into your personal life who knows some things that others don’t, and someone you can just hang out with no expectations of anything.. But then I guess part of that ventures into being a “best friend” and I know everyone doesn’t have a lot of those because that’s a privilege.. One I have seen abused a lot!

I truly believe that God places those people in our lives.. That make us better, who we can have fun with, that are encouraging, who you can just talk to for hours on end, lend a helping hand when needed and who help you keep on the right track.

I guess I said all of that to say.. What’s a friend to you? Are you a friend to others? Do you consider yourself a good friend? Have you lost a friend? What’s your definition of the word friend?

I also want to challenge you, when was the last time you did something nice for a friend? If it hasn’t been recently, do something nice for them. Everyone loves to be appreciated!

Feel free to leave comments, like and subscribe to my blog.. As follow me on Instagram.. I post funny things sometimes!

In case you were wondering, penguins mate for life!

Love KeKe..

Is it a bird, a plane, no its my HUSBAND!

Today I went to the gym. The END! Thanks for reading..JK.

No really though, I went to the gym today. Needless to say the gym laughed at me, like ha ha stop eating all those burgers, bacon, steak, mashed potatoes, and all the other yummy goodness the world has to offer. This has nothing to do with what this post is titled… in case you were wondering.. lol see what I did there I just made a joke with my blog name. Clever… I know.. 

Okay, on to what I actually wanted to say, type, speak, have you read, etc ( there are so many ways I could have put that. But let me ask a question (its okay to mentally answer), why can men only focus on one thing at a time? Let’s use my husband as an example.

My wonderfully, amazing husband can NOT multitask. He can’t have more than one conversation at a time. He can’t watch FOOTBALL and talk at the same time (Okay, that one is not legit reason). But he can’t play video games and talk to me either. Before you think, oh she is one of those wives that complain about what her husband doesn’t do right. 

My husband (Jordan), can play the drums, guitar, piano, bass and sings. With that being said I guess what I just told you about him not being able to multitask is a lie. I mean playing the drums is multitasking and he is FANTASTIC at it. 

Funny story, he is 5’3! Okay that wasn’t a funny story but it was funny. You know in your head that you laughed a lot (being that I am taller). I feel so random right now. Bacon. 

Cool story bro! Go make me a sandwich! Squirrel!

Random something to leave you with- OH wait this whole post was random, but really I will leave you with something  (I’m pretty sure that, half of you read this for the random fact)- Every second, Americans collectively eat 100 pounds of chocolate! Hey you, yes you, PUT THE CHOCOLATE DOWN! Image

In case you were wondering..

Big Repairs and Bigger Prayers…

The rest of the car story a little bit.

The Life I Live

Good day,

I hope everyone has had a good week as we approach the half-way mark. No complaints here!

Today, I realized how big the repair/replace list was getting and how quickly it can increase. See, there is one house… and me, my wife, my wife’s brother, my wife’s brother’s wife. 2 married couples sharing one home and actually we get along pretty great for the most part. Arose this morning with not much on the agenda. But soon changed, as car trouble began. Okay, add the Scion to the repair list with the refrigerator, lawn mower, flooring, vacuum, PT cruiser’s brake pads, etc. This was more of an “Immediate repair” though. Because the second car was needed. So after riding to the part store with Jordan(brother-in-law.) We picked up a new battery and replaced the old one for Jordan’s wife, Keke. On our way home we noticed the battery light was…

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